Hannah’s a Winner!
Hannah Kneubuhler, 2021 Jane M. Klausman Scholarship Winner
There are two things that are close to Hannah Kneubuhler’s heart – women and business.
That’s why the 22-year-old university student entered the JM Klausman Award, one of the Zonta International Awards given by the club each year.
This fourth year Law and International Business Management student at the University of Queensland impressed our judges this year to win the $500 Club award.
“I entered the JM Klausman award because it’s about the two things that are closest to my heart: women and business,” Hannah says. “I am a very proud (and loud) feminist and being raised in a self-employed household, business has always been a core part of my life.
“I think because it is an area that impacts every single person in their everyday lives, there are big opportunities for societal change to start with changes businesses can make.”
The JM Klausman Women in Business Scholarship program helps women pursue undergraduate and master’s degrees in business management and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship was established in 1998 from a generous bequest by Jane M. Klausman, a member of the Zonta Club of Syracuse, New York, USA, and the 1990-1995 Zonta International Parliamentarian.
The program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta annually awards up to 32 scholarships of US$2,000 each at the district/region level and six international scholarships in the amount of US$8,000 each.
As well as studying, Hannah has been working for electrical switchgear manufacturer, NOJA Power, for just over two years. She is their resident Marketing Analyst.
“After university, I want to work in an international role that is community and solution, focused on solving the big problems using both my business and legal education,”
Hannah said she was also concerned about sex education.
“I was really fortunate to receive an excellent sex education from my parents, but I have been appalled at what friends and other people have shared what they were taught by parents and their schools,” Hannah says. “I strongly believe that by giving comprehensive, sex-positive sex education in an open and trusting environments will reduce stigma, stereotypes and reduce gendered violence and sexual assault of all ages.”
Hannah is pictured above with Lesley Chenoweth, chair of our Service Committee. Hannah will now go into the judging for the District award for JMK – good luck Hannah!